
Design Interaction Method

For our Creative Technique course, I co-facilitated an elicitation technique to gather information and develop quick ideation with people. We chose Bodystorming as our method and conducted a workshop with 17 participants in a group of 4-5. Since this is an immersive ideation method, it explores the relationship between the user and the activity through role-playing and physical interaction with props, prototypes, actual products, and physical spaces. 

Each group was given a company/game to create an app for it. They were given a few minutes to brainstorm and collect their ideas together and perform them out within 2 minutes. Each participant had to play a role in it to display the app features and enact the usage on an iPad mini template provided to them. The idea behind it was to come up with a spontaneous action based plan to figure out how the app works, types of services users expect, potential problems and/or hidden assumptions associated to them.

This User Experience design technique gave a jumpstart to the whole process from ideation to prototyping and charged the participants up for a quick response rather than overthinking the procedure and actuating it which led to more spontaneity. 

Group 1: Need for Speed

Group 2: Star Wars

Group 3: Tim Hortons

Group 4: Burger King

Team members: Hammadullah Syed & Ling Ding

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